We have an old saying in my part of the country: A man who lies to you once will lie as many times as you let him. Keep that in mind as we continue our discussion. We all go through times in our lives when, for one reason or another, we evaluate what we stand for. Maybe return to things we thought we left behind. Interests we put on a back burner while life made other plans are renewed and we remember what they meant to us. Such is the case for me and rodeo.
The total lack of interest in Dually’s ordeal by PETA started this project. I am not a barrel racer by profession but the feel of good barrel horse shutting down to rate the barrel and leaving a tight corner is pretty far up there on my list of “reasons we raise nice horses” and even though I have no desire to ride one, I love to watch a good bronc work…..so I kind of got back to rodeo…….started researching some stock and stock contractors…….trying to find information on some great stockman and great bucking horses…….this led me to a new (new to me) friend and champion of our maligned and maltreated livestock.
Mentioned in this article pulled from the (you guessed it) Steve Hindi web site http://www.sharkonline.org/ . Writing for this blogspot has been a learning experience for me. I have learned to ALWAYS give the website who supplied in the information used in my opinions. I don’t want anyone to think I am making this up as I go. I suspect that’s true of some the head cases in this article but…………
This entry is made in response to a comment referring to another article “exposing" the horrors of rodeo originally titled Godless in Chicago, As in Rodeo Animals Haven’t Got a Prayer. The commenter on that article asked why, if rodeo cruelty existed in such common rampant style, why it was never documented on TV and in newspaper articles. Here’s the explanation. Rodeos buy lots of newspaper ads in the days before an event to promote the event to attract a crowd. There is a "professional courtesy" that says you don't mess with your advertisers or they won't b
e your advertisers any more.
Indeed, that's precisely why rodeos buy lots of newspaper and TV ads: Insurance against getting exposed for engaging in animal abuse for huge profits.
It's no different than why so many large corporations, such as Comcast, Commonwealth Edison, and unions, such as teachers unions and firefighter unions, "sponsor" incumbent legislators in Springfield (the capitol of Illinois for those of you who wrote in from elsewhere) with campaign contributions literally in the tens of thousands of dollars. They know that legislators have the power to end unfair policies and practices which unjustly enrich these groups and cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars each year. They are simply, and literally, buying protection for their unfair practices.
So there you have it…… rodeo has everyone in the media on the take ……..Except our smiling friend(pictured above) Steve Hindi … And while the sport of rodeo has been buying off the media they have also been infiltrating charities with money to keep them and the communities they work within quiet too………
In addition, rodeos are often the vehicle used by major local charitable organizations as a fund-raiser event. The Wauconda Chamber of Commerce states, on page 11 of their June newsletter, that "The annual rodeo is the Chamber's largest fundraiser." If any newspaper were to criticize the Wauconda Rodeo as cruel and unnecessary, the charitable organization would complain.
Finally, most people, particularly most people in the rodeo audience and, quite frankly, most journalists, simply don't realize that rodeo is animal abuse for entertainment and profit. It never occurs to most people that what they regard as an entertaining and fun animal performance is actually animals squirming and writhing in agony from abuse and torture that has just occurred but been cleverly concealed from the audience, and that when the animals are racing across the arena, they actually are simply trying to run away to escape further mistreatment. That's why we need people like Steve Hindi and SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness) to expose what's going on, for the eventual protection of animals, and to inform journalists like me so that I can inform you.
So Mr. Sherman ends his glowing although poorly informed tribute to this special man.
Did I mention researching this blog has been a learning experience for me?
Well it has. Here is what else I was able to learn about Steve Hindi….No comment from me…..I’ll just post a little……let you go visit the sites if you desire……..read a little or lot…..I think you can form an opinion……
This site goes into Steve Hindi’s personal life as well as the personal lives of several other prominent animal activists. http://www.theharryrowellfamily.org/stevehindi.htm . It is interesting reading if you feel the personalities and private lives of these people have bearing on their credibility and motives as I do.
This web site lets us in on the mind set of this man’s peers and supporters http://www.hedweb.com/polipris.htm Kind of an interesting list don’t you think???
Jacob Kenison
#06329-081 Yuma Unit
37900 N. 45th AVE, Dept. 1700
Phoenix AZ 85027-7004
*Sentenced for $300,000 arson damage caused to Tandy Leather store
Clinton Colby Ellerman
c/o Salt Lake County Jail
450 S. 300 E.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111-3207
*Released minks from Holt Mink Ranch
McHenry County Jail
Attn: Inmate Steve Hindi
2200 N. Seminary Ave
Woodstock IL 60098
*Steve Hindi - 6 month sentence for his activities against a hunt in Illinois state.
Ryan Z. Durfee BA03 c/o Oxbow Jail
Inmate Mail
3148 South 1100 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84119
*Sentenced to 1 year for arson
(do not send news clippings or other or other items or letter will be sent back)
Mark S. Klein AA45
c/o Oxbow Jail
Inmate Mail
3148 South 1100 West
Salt Lake City, UT
*Sentenced to 1 year for arson attempt to McDonald's
(do not send news clippings or other items)
items or letter will be sent back)
Jason D. Troff
Section 9040
c/o S.L. County Jail
450 South 300 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84111-3207
*Sentenced for attempted arson against McDonald's
Rod Coronado
8901 South Wilmot Rd
Tucson AZ 8570
*for publicizing ALF campaign to destroy the fur industry in the 80's \
Trev Poulson 9375
Housing Unit: Wasatch A West / 215
Utah State Prison
PO BOX 250
Draper, UT 84020
*Two year sentence for alleged fur farm mink liberation
The website authors are asking you to send help and correspondence to encourage these “martyrs”.
I’ll just leave you with Steve Hindi’s rendition of the Cowboy Prayer….His comments are in bold. Political debate, difference of opinion, or questioning the accuracy of one’s facts is one thing but demeaning an act of religious respect (whether you agree with context or not)…….well you be the judge…….
Our Heavenly Father,
We have paused in the midst of this Rodeo, mindful of you and all the blessings you've bestowed upon us.
Lordy yes! Where else could we get a deal like this? We get to wrap ourselves in the American flag, kick the living hell out of your creatures and still pretend to be fine Christians at cowboy church. Don't that beat all?
You see, Lord, there is no need for you to bless us with compassion for your creatures.
We pray Lord that you be with each of us and especially with the contestants in this arena as we pray that you will guide us in life's arena.
Guide us to ever more tame domesticated victims that we can taunt, maim, injure and kill in our fantasy of being little "John Waynes."
We don't ask you for any special favors Lord.
But of course, if you would let us get away with just a little more cruelty and corruption we'd be much obliged.
We don't ask that you always make it rain when we need it, nor do we ask that you always let the sun shine.
No sir. We just ask that you keep public officials corrupt enough to hand over tax dollars and have a blind eye to criminal abuse and let us get away with whatever we want. Can anyone spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y?
We don't always ask for the calf that runs straight, nor do we shun the one that won't lay.
Nah, we'll just kick the crap out of them to make 'em run like hell the next time.
We don't ask to draw round the chute fighting horse nor condemn the ride not bringing pay.
Nope. No need to condemn them because we can spike them, shock them, twist and rake their tails, and choke and drag them. We figure that if we nail 'em a few dozen times before they go out again, they'll buck just fine!
We just pray Lord that you help us, so we may live our lives in such a manner, that when it comes time to make that last ride to the country up there, where the water runs, cool, clear and deep and where the grass grows stirrup high, lush and green, that you will tell us, as our last Judge, that our entry fees are paid.
Oh yea, oh yea. Nothin' but rodeo up there in the heavens. Endless supplies of calves and steers and horses and bulls to harass and mutilate and shock and spur and spike. Glory be on high!
And be sure to visit his website dealing with the sex slave trade (the use of the Brokeback Mountain theatre posters is a nice touch) http://www.sharkonline.org/?P=0000000890
Warning: if you have any sentiment toward the western lifestyle or pride in the culture that gave us the root of stock horse breeds and the stock seat style of performance horsemanship as well as rodeo this website and the “literature” it contains may be very hard on your blood pressure. As most true “animal people” eventually do Mr. Hindi has indeed proven he is not an experienced horsemen of any sort……..I’ll let you form you own opinions on what sort of man he really is…….
I will get the great stock and stock contractors a little better next week……….I had to vent a little first……it makes it easier for me to be happier next time….