Sorry, RH2, for the delays in postings.
I was all set to write an upbeat piece today, and came upon this. I think it bears reading, as it falls in line with the topics we've been posting the last few posts. There has been a pretty intense discussion going on over at ABR on how to help the horses that are being abused, neglected, starved, and sometimes killed at some of the "Rescues" housing them. Red Flags have been discussed, and there is growing concern over how to spot them. EPONA is one of those "Rescues" that seems to have rows of them waving on a daily basis. Questions are regularly asked of Lin, rarely answered truthfully, and at times, even fielded by her enablers. I won't even bother calling them supporters anymore. The mighty Alex Brown has even come to Lin's defense on quite a few occasions. The thread I have linked here is a thread dedicated to questions Lin has either neglected to answer, or has not answered truthfully. While her enablers field questions, and make excuses for her ignorance and avoidance, some startling facts are presented. Lin plans to euthanize 5 horses before Winter-on the advice of her Vet, of course! She has not given any details on the issues these horses present that require them to be put down, besides old age and physical condition. I suspect Lin may have aided them in getting to their physical condition, but that is just my humble opinion. A Rescue that actually worked with Lin trying to educate her and provide training and help to some of her horses weighs in on this thread, and yet, her enablers continue to blindly make excuses for her. Yet another of my favorites, Kathy Elm, also weighs in with her vast knowledge on horses. It appears that Lin is in possession of an elderly horse with an abscess that requires bandaging. Apparently, some feel that the bandage Lin has on the horse looks pretty worthless. Kathy weighs in to tell us how difficult it is to get a good bandage on a horse standing on 3 legs. For those of you who may need to do this on some future date-yes, it's not easy. I had a huge warmblood cross who required it. BUT, not only did I apply one successfully, I applied one by myself, and it held. I used a maxi pad, vet wrap, and duct tape. Of course, I also know a little bit about horses-that may have helped me out a bit. And for those who think an abscess breaks open immediately-we've had to soak in warm epsom salt water for a few days to get one to open up, and at times, have had to have the vet cut up into the hoof to drain it if it was deep. Again, it requires a bit of knowledge. But, back to Lin and her merry band of Ostriches. As long as you make excuses for every action she takes, and every half truth and outright lie she tells, she can continue on. She will at some future date, meet the same fate 3 Strikes, Winding Road, and HMER have. I don't imagine it will be a shock to see Tierra Madre in the same boat. Those of you who support her not only without question, but by aggressively advocating for her are just as guilty as she is. Lin is unique, I have said that before. She somehow has the ability to get more from people than others can. Lin has been given property, a truck, a trailer, gravel, and is constantly bringing in donations. Yet she does not seem able to successfully operate her "Rescue" She is unable to train her horses. She cannot answer simple questions. She does not update any information on the horses she "adopts" out. And she only seems to adopt out when the pressure is on. Then there are large numbers of horses placed. But no information on where they go. Phoenix Rising always comes to mind when I hear of Lin's "adoptions". Lin makes no effort to gain any basic Equine knowledge. If drama was the only requirement in Rescue, she'd be the best. When the questions get too tough, we can always count on Lin getting a horrible phone call or e-mail to bring in the pity factor. She is a master of manipulation. I understand that. But, as always, the facts are there for all to see. Those enabling her have the same information that we all do. They are the ones who will be instrumental in stopping her. The question is-will they ever?
By RH2